Άουτς! Σκυλιά που έφαγαν μέλισσες, ποζάρουν πρησμένα στην κάμερα! Φωτογραφίες

Μπορεί η Άνοιξη να είναι ωραία εποχή αλλά κρύβει και κινδύνους! Κυρίως για τους τετράποδους φίλους μας… Οι μέλισσες στο γρασίδι φαίνεται πως είναι δελεαστικό σνακ για τους σκύλους αλλά δίχως να υπολογίζουν τις συνέπειες.

Kαι μπορεί για εκείνα οι μέρες μετά το τσίμπημα να είναι οι χειρότερες της ζωής τους αλλά παραδέξου το ότι οι φωτογραφίες είναι χαριτωμένες, αφού ξέρουμε ότι είναι κάτι που ξεπερνάνε!

First up on the wall of shame is this very unfortunate, fresh-faced puppy who insists that you should see the other guy

In a storm of regret, this guy has decided that the best plan of action is to lock himself in the bathroom with a blanket, pop a couple of painkillers and wait for the shame to end

Who even knows where the bee got this unlucky chap. Swellings on his eye, nose and cheeks suggests...everywhere

This Boxer is thoroughly regretting trying to snack on a stinger. Although he's normally a king in the ring, this is one tough guy who will be taking a time-out for the next couple of rounds

Next on the wall of shame is another tough guy, who's trying to disguise his puffy jowl as a snarl. Let's hope his pearly whites can ward off any other bees that might come his way

This Springer spaniel met another stinger while enjoying a walk in the countryside. But the embarrassment in his eyes suggests he won't be showing his face for a while

This pup is very ashamed of himself, and just wants to keep his head down and get out of the vet before anyone he knows drops by. He already knows this is a photo-op that will haunt him forever

Although just a puppy, this little guy really should have known better. But the yellow-and-black combination looked just too delicious to pass up

Putting a brave face on it, this pooch is actually quite enjoying the attention and is already thinking about the medicinal chicken soup and ice-cream waiting for him at home

This is not the time for a close-up! This is a puppy that is very upset with its owner for enjoying his shame just a little too much

This pup is doing his best impression of a lop-sided squirrel, storing a snack in his cheek for later, but it isn't fooling anyone

Well aware how ridiculous her nose is looking right now, this proud pup has decided to just hold her head high and pretend it was exactly the look she was after

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